Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Using Bicycles As An Alternative To Automobiles Essay -- essays resear

Using Bicycles As An Alternative To AutomobilesAbstractThis paper basically shows the reasons to use the bicycle as an alternative means of transportation. It will points pop the benefits of the use of abicycle. It will also show what is being done to getrid of the negative aspects of using a bicycle fortransportation.Bicycling is one of the fastest growing forms of recreation. People argon drawnto it for many reasons, being out in the fresh air, the thrill of speed, thephysical challenge, on with many other things. But there give the bounce be many moreuses for the bicycle. The use that this paper will focus on is transportation.The use of bicycles can greatly improve the economy of a nation. A comparisonbetween the efficiency of the transportation systems of the United Stated andJapan points this out. In 1990 Americans spent 17.9 share of the GNP ontransportation, whereas the Japanese spent only 10.79 percent on transportation.This difference of nearly 7 percent, gives the Ja panese economy much more coinfor investing in their future.Our Economy is not the only thing we should worry about, and it is also not theonly thing that can be improved by the use of bicycles. There are several majorproblems that could be drastically reduced by the increased use of bicycles.Traffic would be a muckle lighter due to the extremely small size of bicycles. Itwould also greatly reduce the wear and tear on our roads and highways, andtherefore reduce regime expenditure. But one of the most serious problemsit would reduce is that of pollution and smog in out larger cities.There are more benefits to biking, though. There are benefits that come at amore personal level.Biking greatly improves ones health. It can be a way to exercise without takingmuch times out of ones schedule. The time one would spend biking to work servestwo important purposes. One, getting to work, but also as a great form ofexercise.Improved mobility in crowded situations. In downtown areas, biking to work mayactually save time. Cars crawl through congested traffic, while bicyclists ridearound it. The time it takes to parkland a car... ...(Washington Transportation Research Board,1987)3.United States, Actions Needed To Increase Bicycle/Moped Use In TheFederal Community (Washington U.S. General Accounting Office, 1981)4. mike Hudson, Bicycle Planning (The Architectural Press London, 1982)5.theme Research Council. Transportation Research Board. PedestrianBehavior and Bicycle Traffic (Washington case Academy of Sciences, 1980)6.National Research Council. Transportation Research Board. NonmotorizedTransportation Around The World (Washington National Academy Press, 1994)7.National Research Council. Transportation Research Board. NonmotorizedTransportation Research, Issues, and Use (Washington National Academy Press,1995)8.John T. Doolittle, Integration of Bicycles and Transit (WashingtonNational Academy Press, 1994)9.http// u/ktrembat/www-bike/BCY/TryBikeCommute.html

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