Thursday, May 9, 2019

Crimson Tide you tube video on power and influence Essay

Crimson Tide you tube video on causality and order - Essay ExampleThe first scene is a colorful example of how Hunter uses the referent power to influence others but in a way that raises their admiration in him. In the scene, he asks petty larceny Officer First Class Danny Rivetti about the reason behind a fight between Rivetti and some other Bennefield. His way of handling the situation is not simply an application of his power instead he says you argon a supervisor, you can get a commission like that (Crimson Tide). In addition, he tells that you have to lot an example even in the face of stupidity (Crimson Tide). In the situation, Danny Rivetti seems well aware about the absurdness of the issue he was in, and how stupid he will seem if he says the issue to Hunter. After do him understand the way he is supposed to perform, Hunter uses the weapon that sets him apart from Ramsey. He says Everybody who reads comic books knows that the Kirby property Surfer is the only true Sil ver Surfer. Here one can see Ingratiation and characterization Management as Hunter resorts to some degree of flattering to make Danny Rivetti feel that he is a man who is supposed to behave properly as he is supposed to set an example. In addition, Hunter even resorts to Upward Appeal to remind Rivetti that you are a supervisor.

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