Friday, May 10, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Research Paper fashion modele character and sort of animals (23) The author further describes this type of art and influenced by observation of animals and their behavior under particular circumstances (Art Galleries Switzerland 24). Regardless of the assumption in the similarity between animal characters and actual events, Skoglunds art work is effective and appropriate to communicate to her audience.The art work titled confuse Games displays the exact characteristics of Skoglund. The art work incorporates appropriate colouring and installation and presentation of the art work. Skoglund uses fox describe objects to set the art work into the required plot expectation (1). The fox installations represent the animal itself. She is in addition able to display the violent nature of foxes by placing different foxes at different position new(prenominal) denoting violence and fighting. Skoglund uses color to enhance audience and art connectivity. Foxes are normally regarded as danger ous animals and color red represents this notion effectively.Hung Liu is a Chinese artist whose most artwork is influenced by her personal familiarity since her childhood. As a child she had she had to witness many tribulations that affected China including eviction from their homes due to warfare and political instability (Hallmark 56). Liu studied art and he paid tribute to undischarged artists in China. His cite of art made her an artistic symbol in China as she got numerous teaching opportunities in universities and colleges (Hallmark 58). She travelled to the United States where she further continued with her artwork and gain global acknowledgement for her presentation and great taste in art. Her art work are establish on photography and painting based on ancient Chinese traditions and perception on the society (Art Scene Chinas Par 3). Her presentation of the Chinese tradition in the modern art galleries have gained significant and the influential in the Chinese fond circl es.In reviewing her 1995 painting titled Customs, Liu uses

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