Monday, October 21, 2019

The Beatles Movies essays

The Beatles Movies essays If there was a time capsule that let the people of the future see what shaped the culture around the world in the 20th century there would be a few people who would be on the consensus list. Making up a part of that capsule would be the musical group The Beatles. The group was founded out of Liverpool England in the early nineteen-sixties. This group with members consisting of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr made its indention on popular culture with unparalleled levels of musical acclaim and fan adoration. Although they sold millions of records and compiled an impressive list of musical achievements their success can be attributed to their lesser-known influence in their film careers. They starred in a comedic-documentary-style film entitled A Hard Days Night before they reached the levels of success that led to the term of Beatlemania. The films success led to the popularity of the band, which lead to their success in the musical realm which gave them t he power to influence the worlds culture. Their influence of the Beatles film career changed the way music is seen, and they way film is seen. All this might have not been possible if they did not venture in their film career. The Beatles did not have an extensive career, so the assortment of work released in an awe-inspiring testament to the artistic abilities of the foursome. Their career spanned only eight years, and five of their major record releases in that time were turned into films: A Hard Days Night (1964), Help! (1965), Magical Mystery Tour (TVM, 1967), Yellow Submarine (1968), and Let it Be (1970). Although the Beatles had essentially amazing films, considering the music that they made(Hanke, 4). These films were considered some of the finest film-music related films, but neglected in the politically correct industry of review. With a few possible exceptions, have their b...

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