Friday, October 18, 2019

Samsung Marketing Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Samsung Marketing Principles - Essay Example The present research has identified that the principles that marketers work with are together with product/service quality and value, competitiveness in innovation, the value of a brand name, understanding the competitors and consumers as well as better market research. The Samsung Corporation specializes in electronics among other products and has been viewed as among the global ‘giants’ in the industry together with the likes of Apple Corporation and others. The corporation has grown to command a global effect since its formation with much of its strength being noted in strategic and effective ‘product life cycle’, effective ‘pricing mechanisms’, high rates of diversification as well as improved and better quality products. Besides, the corporation has been very strategic in marketing practices which have enabled the company effectively capture a global market segment through wonderful and high quality in products, high levels of innovation, h igh brand value and the better understanding of prevailing market environment through market research. Moreover, the corporation adopts great advertising slogans which include the Galaxy ‘S’ slogan ‘The Next Big Thing is Already Here’ and the ‘just like you have been there’ which have been most effective in marketing the company’s products across the globe. Over years, the company has effectively been designing and introducing to market advanced products as seen through the product evolution of the company. In the early years of the formation of Samsung group, it specialized in the production of black and white TVs, later came the color and later incorporated the digital productions. Besides, the corporation has diversified on the product line to include not only the TVs but also fridges, phones, and computer applications among others. Nevertheless, as a global player, it is worth noting that the company has had to brave stiff pressure b y competition from other players in the industry such as the Apple Corporation, for the mobile telephones.

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