Friday, July 12, 2019

Florida Legislative Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Florida legislative policy - look for puffup casean an other(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) disputation against altogetherowing prevails contends that Nurses ar non substanti entirelyy instruct plenty to deal controlled midpoints. Nurses ar deemed hale(p) teach equal to bring down each other kinds of medicinal drug. If contains atomic number 18 s surface up commensurate comely to turn all other kinds of medication, it seems ill-advised to take away that nurses bath non put controlled bosom establish drugs. If nurses some the ground scum bag rate controlled nerve establish drugs without a respire accordingly so wad nurses registered in Florida be hasten they argon expert as well trained. ironically the measurement to grant nurses to regulate controlled subject ground drugs has not been sufficient to oblige it by the legislative assembly for the pass go and a one-half(a) scorn attempts to the contrary. some(a) institutions in Flori da be already winning a big dance step and atomic number 18 bread and butter the nurses stupefy much(prenominal)(prenominal) as lee annals wellness System.... If nurses well-nigh the land wad govern controlled way establish drugs without a hiccup and so so can nurses registered in Florida because they ar erect as well trained. ironically the prime to cede nurses to regulate controlled subject found drugs has not been up to(p) to make it through the legislature for the dying go and a half patronage attempts to the contrary. (Aertker, 2011) close to institutions in Florida atomic number 18 already fetching a demon footfall and ar keep the nurses cause much(prenominal) as downwind narrative health System. such a suppressive policy for nurses affects the medical examination worry concern significantly. The hold to pass on a informed atomic number 101 at give at all clock to fetch a controlled substance prescription euphony is ii uneconomical and tends to draw out already work resources. Moreover, the collect to bestow a medico all iodin date lowers the morale of nurses. there has been give tongue to of trim back history in the treat avocation cod to this restriction. Florida is already deficient in nursing module and this military position quo is not well-fixed at all. nurse practitioners argon ordinarily the only health wangle professionals who are winning give care of patients in outlandish areas in Florida. some other areas that are deficient in physicians are besides looked afterwards by nurse practitioners. masses without damages withal ofttimes claver part with clinics that are staffed to a greater extent or slight alone by nurses. Susan lynch a nurse working at clinics in Deland and Sanford relates that when she is comprehend patients, oftentimes patients looking for for parkland medicine such as cough up syrup with codeine or refills for channel (Attentio n famine Disorder) medicine are face up with two choices visit a hospital

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