Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

â€Å"I will start my essay after I finish this level in this game,† is what I said nearly three hours ago. It has been a whole mess from then on: one level turned into two, then a few more, followed by a few YouTube videos and some online chatting. To say, it in simple words, I procrastinated. Procrastination is only the action of delaying or postponing something. Everyone procrastinates. People procrastinate because they do not want to do a certain task, or because they have too many other things to do. Doing things at the last moment causes chaos and stress. Like all other problems, procrastination leaves over its side effects, which include missed opportunities, frantic work hours, stress, overwhelm, resentment, and some remorse. Procrastination is a complex problem, but can be reduced by various methods like self-awareness, motivation, proper time management, etc. Some say that the procrastination occurs because of laziness. However, the behavior pattern of procrastination can be prompted in many ways, so people usually will not procrastinate for the same reason. Sometimes they pro... Essay -- â€Å"I will start my essay after I finish this level in this game,† is what I said nearly three hours ago. It has been a whole mess from then on: one level turned into two, then a few more, followed by a few YouTube videos and some online chatting. To say, it in simple words, I procrastinated. Procrastination is only the action of delaying or postponing something. Everyone procrastinates. People procrastinate because they do not want to do a certain task, or because they have too many other things to do. Doing things at the last moment causes chaos and stress. Like all other problems, procrastination leaves over its side effects, which include missed opportunities, frantic work hours, stress, overwhelm, resentment, and some remorse. Procrastination is a complex problem, but can be reduced by various methods like self-awareness, motivation, proper time management, etc. Some say that the procrastination occurs because of laziness. However, the behavior pattern of procrastination can be prompted in many ways, so people usually will not procrastinate for the same reason. Sometimes they pro...

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