Saturday, June 15, 2019

Positivist and Interpretivist Research Designs Essay

Positivist and Interpretivist Research Designs - Essay ExampleIt is a case study format only still an good format to lead out to the seek objective and to the objective reality of the research (Shanks, 2002). The Methodology In lay to forebode the question, in that location are two research approaches that are applicable in a positive research design the descriptive research approach and the experimental research approach. The descriptive research approach will lead to the empirical studies, surveys, correlation studies, and relevant case studies about the employee motivation and performance in the UK domiciliary allot sector (Poinasamy, 2009). This collected empirical evidence will become the source of guide for the researcher to carry out beliefive experimentation and observation. In order to understand the significance of relationship between zero hours cut and employee motivation, and zero-hours contract and employee performance, this accumulated empirical evidence wil l come out as an effective resource. Such collected empirical evidence will become a source of experimentation in the research (Belk, 2007, p.198). The Experimentation In the highly controlled conditions, the observations will be taken from the selected organization of the UK domiciliary sector (Poinasamy, 2009, p.3). These observations will become the primary source of data to understand the correlations between the zero hour contract and employee motivation and zero-hour contract and employee performance. It is actually the comprehension of the variables that will bring deliberate understanding for the plus researcher. Keeping zero-hour contract as a constant variable, the effect of this variable will be found on employee motivation and performance, which are two dependent variables. By applying such... This report approves that the contemporary literature of research indicates that there are two approaches that are significantly applied to address research questions- positivism and interpretivism. The positivist research follows through the objective research design to address and answer the research inquires. The interpretivist research goes through with the subjectivist research design, which is based on introspection and exploration. This is how both of the research designs are significantly applicable to researches and empirical studies. The researcher will take the thematic rout e of analysis in order to explore the situation of UK domiciliary care sector. This report has applied both the positivist and the interpretivist research design to address a derived research question. The differences in terms of methodologies, beliefs and the research conducts are highlighted between both positivism and interpretivism. The difference indicates that positivist approach applies the scientific models for analysis, plot of land the interpretivist approach applies personal rationale, and introspection to conduct research. In this way, the positivist approach set s the mathematical and scientific ground of research while the interpretivist design base the research on contemporary and past empirical evidences. Both approaches effectively address the research question but have a different route and methodology to conduct research.

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