Thursday, June 13, 2019

Film and memory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Film and memory - Essay ExampleThe reaction is one which builds an emotional response among viewers to interrelate specifically with different events in history.The concept of form and genre in trauma pics for history is defined as the type or kind of film that is able to relate to a wedded culture. When one uses a specific form, it is able to associate with a specific identity or connection to those who argon watching the film. The category of mainstream film is one which can be used to identify specific categories and events which have occurred and which many relate to. When relaying mainstream events within the genre of free rein or trauma, there is the need to create a specific birth to an event in which every individual is already aware of. The message of the diachronic event also has to link with concepts such as patriotism or the main identity of the culture, specifically which creates a level of appeal to the public. The experimental or avant garde depictions however, can move into events with a different form of trauma or replication of history that is more historical and aesthetically fitting to a given event. However, this attracts a different group of individuals who are interested in a different perspective to the film (Langford, 2005).The depiction of history as one which creates a esthesis of appeal to the crowds accordingly leads into different types of spectatorship by viewers. As the spectacle stands out with different effects and aesthetics, there is the ability to create a different sense of history that is remembered by the audience. For instance spatial definitions that take place, such as longer perspectives or close up shots, create a direct relationship to the viewer. The spectator is then able to create a specific understanding of a given event. For instance, if there is an individual who was well known in history, then personal and close shots with the use of space are given, all which define the

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