Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Am Literate, Is Not Just The Ability Of Recite And Inscribe

To be literate, is not just the ability to recite and inscribe. It is something I think more than that. It involves a very intricate mechanics of linguistics, but eventually forms a sophisticated yet beautiful form of language usage. I was not born with literacy sense. I gained reading skills from bedtime stories from my parents and eventually learned formally to read and write at school. From that, I was able to mold my style of writing with the help of the teachers. I believe that most of us have been through a similar experience as I did in attaining literacy. Even with the majority of the necessary literacy skills I gained from school and at home, I was still wondering the reason behind all the hard work to read and write. Until one day, I was sent to a leadership camp as a representative from my school. From that camp, I knew that all of my gained literacy has now made sense to me because it has changed my perspective of the world through literacy. The leadership camp is where m ultiple schools send their student representative to join a week-long program of all the things needed to build up leadership skills. Throughout the week, students will be taught how to think critically and behave like a leader. This program is where usually students collaborate and discuss world issues, talking about the solution to those problems and show off their knowledge to impress one another. That is what I thought, at least. I imagined the camp as a platform for intelligent students to

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