Sunday, February 2, 2020

Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9

Writer's choice - Essay Example Additionally, sometimes acts as a little mirror. According to Land, Michael and Dan-Eric, the iris serves as a reflector for the animals because light falls on the eye and it is reflected spontaneously (45). In this regard, some animals reflect green light. The reddish appearance of the eyes among people is called red-eye effect. Such effect is associated with the capturing of light, which is reflected from retina. The problem is resolvable through various ways. Light rays usually permeate through the corns of n eye in order to focus clearly on the retina. This causes the light-detecting cells, which are at the back of the eye to responds according. Consequently, the eye retina converts the light rays into electronic pulses, which are able to align with the theoptic nerve. This enhances the creation of visuals images. According to Russell, the process of reddening of the eyes is subject to the constriction of the eyes (78). The constriction of the eyes is subject to time and the flas h of light overwhelms the retina. The speed of light reflection is high and causes the impact of the red eye-effect. Moreover, the eyes appear red after a flash of light because of the high supply of choroid in blood. Choroid is layer of connective tissues, which occur at the back of the eye (Rakoczy 65). The purpose of the layer is to nourish the retina. The other purpose of the choroid layer is to maintain the red color of the normal eye. It is possible to prevent the red-eye effect. People should not look at a camera with their naked eyes. There is needed to make the room of snapping brighter than normal. The setting of the camera must be adjusted. For instance, the anti-red eye effect function must be adjusted. Technology has played a major role in enhancing the reduction of the red-eye effect. Modern cameras are sophisticated because they have adequate customizations. For instance, the modern cameras have

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