Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Interpretation Of Dreams Sigmund Schlomo Freud

Sigmund Schlomo Freud was a thinker who helped us understand why our lives and relationships are full of so much confusion and pain. He told us why life is hard and how to cope. His own life incurred a lot of anxieties. Freud was born to a middle class Jewish family in 1856. His professional life was not an immediate success. As a medical student he dissected hundreds of eels in an un-successful attempt to locate their reproductive organs. He promoted cocaine as a medical drug, but it turned out to be a dangerous and addictive idea. [0:38] A few years later he found the discipline that would ultimately make his name: a new psychological medicine he called psycho-analysis. The landmark study was his 1900 book, The Interpretation of Dreams. In it he demonstrated that dreams are a means of delving into the unconscious and the sexual desires that dominate the development of the personality. Despite his success he was often un-happy. During some particularly strenuous research he recorded, â€Å"The chief patient I am pre-occupied with is myself.† He was convinced he would die between age 61 and 62 and had great phobias about those numbers. Although he actually died much later at the age of 83. [1:20] Perhaps because of his frustrations, Freud achieved a series of deep insights into the sources of human un-happiness. He proposed that we are all driven by the â€Å"pleasure principle† which inclines us towards easy physical and emotional rewards and away from un-pleasant things likeShow MoreRelatedSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1568 Words   |  7 Pages Freud Sigmund Yifan Wang Current issues in history Vanier College 2014-11-11 Freud Sigmund In the 19th century, people progressed toward a new era of scientific revolution with new inventions and technologies. Doctors find treatment to heal cancer and people lives longer than before. On the other hand, Freud Sigmund the Jewish psychiatrist offered a new cure to mental illness that individual suffers from (The European Graduate School, 2012). Although he may have the most of influenceRead More10 Things You Should Know About Sigmund Freud1012 Words   |  5 Pages1. Sigmund Freud Was the Oldest of Eight Children Freud was born as Sigismund Schlomo Freud on May 6, 1856. His father Joseph was a 41-year-old wool merchant who already had two children from a previous marriage. Freuds mother, Amalia, was twenty years younger than her husband. The failure of his fathers business forced the Freud family to move from their home in Freiberg, Moravia to Vienna. Freud has seven siblings, yet he often described himself as his mothers special favorite - her goldenRead MoreI Know What ItS Like To Be Afraid Of Your Own Mind.1610 Words   |  7 Pagescan also benefit by practicing some of Freud s Theory. Sigmund Freud believed that â€Å"The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind† (The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)). Sigmund Freud was a neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis. Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born May 6th, 1856 in Freiberg in Mà ¤hren, Moravia, Austrian Empire and died on September 23rd, 1939 at Hampstead, London, UK. Sigmund was influenced by Charles Darwin, ArthurRead MoreSigmund Freud: A Very Brief Biography1582 Words   |  7 Pages INTRO Sigmund Freud is considered one of the most influential figures in modern psychology. He is best known as the father of psychoanalysis. He developed several important theories of personality, including the theories of mind, the id, the ego, and the superego, life and death instincts, psychosexual development, and defense mechanisms. He also published many books that helped shape psychology into what it is today. EARLY LIFE Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born in Moravia, Czech RepublicRead MoreBiography Of Sigismund Schlomo Freud s Life1929 Words   |  8 PagesSigismund Schlomo Freud was born in 1856 on May the 6th. He grew up in the Freiberg, which is located in Austria, and now it called Pribor in the Czech Republic. When he was twenty- two his name changed to Sigmund Freud. Additionally, he is the son of a deeply religious Jewish father and his father was encouraging him to learn more about Hebrew Scriptures. Freud was the oldest of eight children (Nystule, 2011). â€Å"His father was a wool merchant with a keen mind and a good sense of humor. His motherRead MoreBiography Of Sigismund Schlomo Freud s The Interpretation Of Dreams 1435 Words   |  6 PagesSigismund Schlomo Freud was an Austrian born neurologist, more widely known as Sigmund Freud and often regarded as the father of psychoanalysis. Possibly his most notable work , psychoanalysis , or ‘’the talking cure’’ as it is now known, was developed to help the mentally ill through dream analysis .One of his earliest influences was the French doctor , Jean Charcot, who employed hypnosis in treating his patients’ hysteria. Unlike Charcot, who was trying to cure those who suffered from hysteriaRead MoreEssay on Freuds Dream Analysis. a Case Study2163 Words   |  9 PagesFreud believed that dreams are the â€Å"royal road to the unconscious†, for it is within an individual’s dream state that their unconscious wishes, needs, and fears are expressed (Corey, 2005, p. 76). Dedicating his work to creating a procedure which could assist with the emergence of unconscious thoughts into the conscious mind, Freud developed psychoanalytical therapy: a therapy aimed at increasing awareness, encouraging insight into the client’s behaviour, and understanding the significance of symbolsRead MoreThis Tournament Goes to Eleven4982 Words   |  20 Pagespatients such as Herbert Graf and Bertha Pappenheim. Sandor Ferenczi and Otto Rank were among the original followers of, For 10 points, what author of Moses and Monotheism, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and The Interpretation of Dreams who founded psychoanalysis. ANSWER: Sigmund Schlomo Freud 12. During this time, a pilgrimage of 33 Kannon was established that started and ended at so-called eleven-headed temples. A title meaning tent government was created for administrators. The warrior families

Monday, December 23, 2019

Calvins Epistemology Essay - 1591 Words

â€Å"How is it possible to know anything at all?† John Calvin gives his answer to this timeless question in Chapters 1-3 of his Institutes. His theory of epistemology is based on his belief that humans are naturally aware of God. He also asserts two fundamental knowledges- God and self- and he elaborates upon the relationship between the two. I. Biography of John Calvin A. Birth and childhood B. Schooling and further education C. Early works and accomplishments II. How is it possible to know anything? III. John Calvin A. brief introduction of the Institutes B. Calvin’s theory of epistemology 1. Humans have a natural awareness of God. a. our minds b. nature 2. knowledge of God a. requires holiness b. requires knowledge of self†¦show more content†¦There, he sought more education, and opted to further his intellectual career. Years later in 1536, Institutes of the Christian Religion, was released by Calvin himself in Basel, Switzerland.6 To this day, it remains one of the most important and influential literary works regarding theology. This piece also made Calvin known as a key follower of Protestantism. His theory of epistemology is based on his belief that humans are naturally aware of God. He also asserts two fundamental knowledges- God and self- and he elaborates upon the relationship between the two.7 How is it possible to know anything at all? Theologians and philosophers across the ages have contemplated, debated, and wrote about this timeless question. There have been many proposed theories, and many still exist while others have been modified, or totally abandoned. As Christians, we like to use â€Å"God† as the answer for everything we do not understand, so one might respond, â€Å"God allows us to know things.† Okay, yes, in a sense, because He is absolutely sovereign, so anything at all that ever occurs happens with his permission.8 While this simplistic answer may be enough for theShow MoreRelatedThe Christian s Acts Of Faith2105 Words   |  9 PagesPlantinga has set out the essentials for what has come to be known as Reformed Epistemology; rejecting the notion that as a result of rational thinking, or a rational noetic structure, by natural theology, one can come to the conclusion that God exist. Therefore God’s existence would be bound by the stre ngth of rational thought that can be influenced and criticized by those outside the Christian worldview. Instead Reformed Epistemology makes a case for weak foundationalism; finite mental capacity doesn’tRead More3. The Reformed Understanding Of Faith In Calvin: The Uniting1739 Words   |  7 Pageshearts. In short, union with Christ is the work of the Holy Spirit by persuading us to recognize and acknowledge God’s will both outside and in us and therefore to believe and trust in it. 4. The Augustinian Moments in Calvin’s Understanding of Faith: There are several themes in Calvin’s understanding of faith showing the influences from Augustine apart from his Reformation precursors, including Luther and Melanchthon. First, Calvin famous definition of faith, â€Å"a firm and certain knowledge of God’ benevolenceRead MoreJohn Locke s Influence On His Epistemology1487 Words   |  6 Pagesof 1723 he had added three more notebooks: â€Å"Notes on the Apocalypse,† â€Å"Notes on Scripture† and â€Å"The Mind† (Marsden 59). We can say John Locke was a major force of behind this growth of Jonathan Edwards , but only the Locke s influence on his epistemology, philosophy of language, and philosophical psychology was profound. Edwards was independent thinker although he seized by the Locke’s ideas, Edwards remained restive always wishing to push beyond Locke and wanting more than Locke gave (Simonson

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Digital Single-lens Reflex Camera Free Essays

Brochure More information from http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/2104103/ Digital Camera Market in India 2012 Description: Digital camera market in India can be characterized with strong growth potential in the ensuing years. We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Single-lens Reflex Camera or any similar topic only for you Order Now Currently, the market is mainly dominated by a handful of players and a cut-throat competition exists amongst these players. The market was valued at INR 17. 5 bn during the fiscal year 2010 and is expected to attain a CAGR of 43% to reach INR 104. 6 bn by 2015. Rising disposable income and increased consumerism primary boosts the market in India. The report begins with a market overview, which provides an insight to the overall digital camera market. It describes the primary reasons which are propelling the market forward. The section also talks about the prevailing competition amongst major players and the market size and growth figures in India in terms of revenue as well as total camera units. This section also features Porter’s five forces analysis of the digital camera market in India, thereby offering a clear picture of the market scenario and market entry barriers for prospective new entrants. This section is followed by the technology section which enlightens the readers about the image sensors used in digital cameras for producing images. The sensors discussed in the report comprise of CMOS and CCD sensors. The section enlists the working procedures and advantages of these sensors, thereby providing detailed information about the Pros and Cons of each individual sensor. Distribution model section of the report briefly summarizes the various channels of product distribution, adopted by major players in the market to sell their products. It brings forth the present marketing strategies put in place by the players so as to increase their market reach and penetration. Pricing strategy analysis of top three vendors in the market have been derived after an in-depth analysis of the players concerned. The list generated after the research offers valuable insight about the various lucrative segments in the market. This section also features a separate analysis column which helps in clearly distinguishing the prime product segments on which these vendors primarily emphasize on. An analysis of the drivers and challenges explains the factors leading to the growth of the market including increased disposable income, declining prices, rise in e-commerce, increased travel plans and growing inclination for digital cameras. Strong opportunity exists in the market as increasing disposable income and higher consumption pattern drive the demand for digital cameras. This coupled with the fact that the increasing travel plans and constant decline of prices will lead to a developing market. Additionally, growing tendency to own a digital camera and to be able to share images online will fuel growth in this market. The key challenges identified are presence of grey market and emergence of Smart devices with camera features. Basically, grey markets sell products prior to their official launch at comparatively lower prices and hence consumers are attracted by the fact of getting the latest product first hand, which in turn reduces the revenue generated by the overall market. The unprecedented growth in adoption of smart devices capable of capturing high quality images is also a factor hindering the full fledged growth in the market. A majority of the population still prefer devices such as Smartphones as a substitute of digital cameras. The prime reason for this tendency happens to be the common notion to own a multifunction product. Trends identified in the market comprise of introduction of mirrorless cameras, maintaining an India specific product portfolio, providing attractive features and specific focus on a particular range of products. Some of the key players in the market have introduced the mirrorless cameras in their product portfolio. This segment has attracted a lot of attention as these products have a comparatively lower body weight and are much more compact as compared to bulky DSLR cameras and hence owing to the portability quotient, these devices are finding a growing acceptability amongst both consumers as well vendors. It is also seen that most of the major players in the market India specific product portfolio wherein they price their products by keeping in mind the fact that India is a price sensitive country. Off late, the digital camera market has also seen the emergence of products with attractive features such as swivel LCD screens, direct image sharing over the internet, HD video recording and 3D imaging amongst other. Players are primarily incorporating these attractive features so as to lure consumers and gain a competitive edge over their competitors. Lastly, the key players in the market have exhibited a common tendency to bank upon a particular range of products. They spend a substantial amount of their operating expenses for the marketing of these products. This strategy is primarily adopted so as to increase brand visibility and awareness amongst consumers. The competition section provides detailed information about the competitive landscape in the market and includes a detailed profile of the major players in the market. This section covers crucial information about the players such as their corporate information, business highlights, a brief history of their respective corporate activities and sales intelligence. It further elaborates on the player’s detailed SWOT analysis and a comprehensive list of their product portfolio. A separate section on the future strategies of key vendors is also included in the report which gives value added information about the future plans of the top vendors in the market. This section highlights the key areas which these vendors are currently focusing on, so as to generate a better amount of revenue and garner a larger share in the overall market. The report concludes with a section on strategic recommendations which comprises of an analysis of the growth strategies of the digital camera market in India. Contents: Page 1: Executive Summary Market Overview Page 2: Digital Camera Market – Overview; Digital camera – Market Size (FY 2010-2015e), Page 3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis – Digital Camera Market Technology Page 4: Image Sensors – Working; Advantages Distribution Model Page 5: Distribution Model – Consumer Electronic Stores, Retail Showroom, Channel Partners, Distributors and Dealers Pricing Strategy Analysis of Top 3 Vendors Page 6: Pricing Strategy – Point and Shoot Segment Page 7: Pricing Strategy – DSLR Segment Drivers and Challenges Page 8: Summary Page 9-13: Drivers Page 14: Challenges Trends Page 15: Summary 16-17: Trends Competition Page 18: Canon Inc – Corporate Information; Sales Intelligence; Brief History and Business Highlights Page 19: Canon Inc – SWOT Analysis Page 20-23: Canon Inc – Product Portfolio Page 24: Eastman Kodak Company – Corporate Information; Sales Intelligence; Brief History and Business Highlights Page 25: Eastman Kodak Company – SWOT Analysis Page 26: Eastman Kodak Company – Product Portfolio Page 27: FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation – Corporate Information; Sales Intelligence; Brief History and Business Highlights Page 28: FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation – SWOT Analysis Page 29-31: FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation – Product Portfolio Page 32: Nikon Corp – Corporate Information; Sales Intelligence; Brief History and Business Highlights Page 33: Nikon Corp – SWOT Analysis Page 34-36: Nikon Corp – Product Portfolio Page 37: Olympus – Corporate Information; Sales Intelligence; Brief History and Business Highlights Page 38: Olympus – SWOT Analysis Page 39-41: Olympus – Product Portfolio Page 42: Panasonic Corporation – Corporate Information; Sales Intelligence; Brief History and Business Highlights Page 43: Panasonic Corporation – SWOT Analysis Page 44-47: Panasonic Corporation – Product Por tfolio Page 48: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. – Corporate Information; Sales Intelligence; Brief History and Business Highlights Page 49: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. – SWOT Analysis Page 50-53: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Product Portfolio Page 54: Sony Corp – Corporate Information; Sales Intelligence; Brief History and Business Highlights Page 55: Sony Corp – SWOT Analysis Page 56-57: Sony Corp – Product Portfolio Future Strategies of Key Vendors Page 58: Future Strategy – Major Players Strategic Recommendations Page 59: Strategic Recommendations List of Charts Figures Market Overview 1. Digital Camera Market Size – Revenue (FY10 – FY15e) 2. Digital Camera Market Size – Volume (2010-2015e) 3. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Pricing Strategy – Digital Camera Market 4. Pricing Strategy – Point and Shoot Segment 5. Pricing Strategy – DSLR Segment Drivers and Challenges 6. 7. 8. 9. Total no. f ho usehold (mn) – (2005, 2015e, 2025e) Aggregate Annual Disposable Income (2005, 2015e, 2025e) e-Commerce market growth – India (2010 – 2015e) Travel and Tourism – Size and Growth (2010 – 2020e) List of Tables Distribution Model 1. Sales Channel – Major Vendors Competition 2. Major Players a. Corporate Information b. Sales Intelligence c. SWOT Analysis d. Product Portfolio Future Strategy of Key Vendors 3. Future Strategy – Major Vendors Ordering: Order Online – http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/2104103/ Order by Fax – using the form below Order by Post – print the order form below and send to Research and Markets, Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland. Page 1 of 2 Fax Order Form To place an order via fax simply print this form, fill in the information below and fax the completed form to 646-6071907 (from USA) or +353-1-481-1716 (from Rest of World). 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Friday, December 6, 2019

Transportation and Infrastructure

Question: Describe about the Sydney Harbour. Answer: Introduction Sydney Harbour [Port Jackson] is renowned as one of the Australias premier cruise ship destination. It has seen that the 2013 / 2014 year was considered as one of the significant financial year and the Sydney port has contributed a significant figure behind such large amount of financial success (Portsaustralia.com.au, 2016). The port itself plays a vital role not for the local economy but also the entire state as well as the nation (Corporation, 2016). The details of the port have been mentioned in the below mentioned figures: Figure: Port of Sydney (Frost, 2016) The purpose of this report is to apply the transportation and infrastructure concepts as well as assumptions with respect to a specific economy. In this study, the researcher has considered, Port Jackson [Sidney Harbour] as the case port. Parameters Below are the assumptions considered for this study: Salvage rate: 15% Maintenance and management cost rate: 13% Rehabilitation cost rate: 25% Interest rate: 4.25 % [Australian bond 10 year yield] Total duration: 30 years Problem statement The purpose of this study is to understand the per load income from toll service provided in the selected area. In this context, the study is also exploration of different costs associated with this toll service. Methodology The researcher has followed a sequential approach here. As the purpose of this study is to identify the toll income per load, a 8 step approach has been adopted, in which the researcher has calculated several costs to reach into the final stage. Results This section of the report has demonstrated the step by step calculations. Step 1: Port Selection Figure: Port Jackson Source: (Frost, 2016) Figure: Ship movement (Port Jackson) (Ships.portauthoritynsw.com.au, 2016) Step 2: Calculation of truck volume and traffic volume at present year (1) Throughput of the terminal (Q): 222,204 tones = 2.22204 * 10^5 tones (Portsaustralia.com.au, 2016) (2) Ratios of transshipment: 10 % (3) Inbound rate: 7.54 % (4) Outbound rate: 92.46% (Charting Transport, 2012) (5) Inbound Throughputs (Qin): 2.22204 * 10^5 tones * (1 10 %) * 7.54 % = 0.1508 * 10^5 tones (6) Outbound Throughputs (Qout): 2.22204 * 10^5 tones * (1 10 %) * 92.46 % = 1.8490 * 10^5 tones (7) Number of truck in: 5110 = 0.0511 * 10^5 (8) Number of truck out: 4745 = 0.04745 * 10^5 (9) Traffic volume ratio of truck: 15 % (www.clickonlinemarketing.com.au, 2016) (10) Total volume in: (0.0511 * 10^5) / 15% = 0.340667 * 10^5 veh / year (11) Total volume out: (0.04745 * 10^5) / 15 % = 0.316333 * 10^5 veh / year Step 3: Calculation of future traffic volume and decide number of lanes (1) GDP growth rate in the first 10 years: 2.78 % (Statista, 2016) (2) GDP growth rate in the last 20 years: 2.47 % (Statista, 2016) (3) Target year volume in: 0.340667 * 10^5 * (1 + 2.78 %)^10 * (1 + 2.47 %)^20 veh / year = 0.730047 * 10^5 veh / year (Ting, 2016) (4) Target year volume in: 0.316333 * 10^5 * (1 + 2.78 %)^10 * (1 + 2.47 %)^20 veh / year = 0.6779 * 10^5 veh / year (Ting, 2016) (5) Road capacity in each lane: 1600 veh / hr (6) Busy hour: 18 hour (7) Number of lane in: (0.730047 * 10^5) / (18 * 365 * 600) = 0.01852 (8) Number of lane out: (0.6779 * 10^5) / (18 * 365 * 600) = 0.00172 (Roads and Maritime Services, 2016) In this case, the researcher takes max (0.01852, 0.00172) = 0.01852 or 1 lanes on both direction Step 4: Calculation of construction cost (1) Length of freeway: 2.5 km (2) Construction cost per lane per kilometer: 0.35 million / lane / Km (3) Construction cost: 0.035 *10^5 * (1+1) * 2.5 = $ 0.175 * 10^5.