Monday, September 23, 2019

Australian Government Innovative Climate Change Policy Essay

Australian Government Innovative Climate Change Policy - Essay Example It will mean that the equivalent of 20 per cent of Australia’s electricity will come from renewable sources by 2020 is transformed. The world is moving forward and economies which do not start cleaning up now will fall behind. Australia has spent the last decade working out on how to put a price on carbon pollution is the cheapest way to tackle climate change. The Government’s plan for a clean energy future has been negotiated by the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee. The Committee has agreed to a comprehensive set of measures to help fight climate change. The Government is separately investing in further measures to ease the economic transition to a carbon price, as well as taking additional steps to reduce carbon pollution. BACKGROUND AND ESSENTIAL IDEAS The Government has developed a comprehensive plan for a clean energy future. The need for this plan is clear, from both an environmental and an economic perspective. This plan has been devised in response to clear scientific advice that the world is warming, that carbon pollution from human activity creates. Significant risks and those we can avoid the worst potential impacts by reducing carbon pollution. Taking action on climate change is in our national interest. Australia faces acute risks from climate change. Faced with the serious negative consequences for our natural systems (including national icons like the Great Barrier Reef and Kakadu), our economy and our way of life, it would be irresponsible not to play our part in international action on climate change. Taking action sooner means that the transition to a clean energy future can be more gradual, manageable and...This paper outlines the positive effects of the comprehensive climate change policy, maintained by Australian government. More specifically, the paper describes the impact of Federal Government’s Clean Energy Bill, which was enacted in 2011. The Bill introduced carbon pricing mechanism designed to improve environmental and economic efficiency. In addition the energy bill contained innovative mechanisms to shield it from political and administrative cycles. Climate change will not just damage the natural environment. Left unchecked, it also poses risks to Australia’s economic prosperity. Within the purview of the Bill, all businesses will be required to pay for their pollution under this price mechanism. The carbon price will be beneficial to the economy since it will create a financial incentive that will flow throughout the economy. Households will benefit from tax cuts, higher family payments and increases in pensions. The carbon price will also change Australia’s electricity generation by encouraging investment in renewable energy like wind and solar power and the use of cleaner fuels like natural gas. The government will be committed supporting jobs throughout manufacturing, food processing industries and coal mining since The Government’s Renewable Energy Target, combined with the carbon price, will deliver around $20 billion of investment in renewable energy by 2020 in today’s dollars. It will mean that the equivalent of 20 per cent of Australia’s electricity will come from renewable sources by 2020 is transformed. Under the Government’s clean energy plan, the carbon pricing mechanism will establish a clear price path into the future for reduced carbon pollution.

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