Monday, August 12, 2019

You can choose the topic you want Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

You can choose the topic you want - Essay Example The great kings waged wars to plant their ideas in the sands of times; the civilizations built pyramids and grand mausoleums to perpetuate their identity, the composers and artists created works of wonder and beauty to resist and obliterate the sway of change, still the eternal fact is that eventually everything gave way before the waves of time and decay and nothing in this world has ever been able to resist or destroy the concept and existence of change. The only panacea and way out before humanity is to acknowledge the power of change and to accept it once and for all that change is always to stay, no matter how hard one tries. Unexceptionally, every aspect of human life stands witness to the supremacy of change and the evanescence of permanence. Be it the stream of human existence and interpersonal relationships, the civilization aspect of mankind, the ups and downs of politics and ideological aspects of humanity, all depict the prominence of change and mutation. For example, consider the sphere of human relationships and family life. Is there any aspect of family life that could be considered permanent? Two people fall in love and in that moment of love, everything seems to be wispy and beautiful. However, the dictates of society and the nature of evolving relationships tie them in the bonds of matrimony. This not only changes the social appearance of their relationship, but also alters the emotional content of their concerns and priorities. Suddenly, what was once wonderful and charming is imbued with a feeling of responsibility and bonding. Then come in children, and this adds many other dimensions to the relationship. Children begin to grow, and each stage of their growth, be it childhood, teenage, adolescence and youth brings in its share of sweet and bitter experiences. Then the children leave, the nest gets empty, creeps in old age

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